What is it and who is involved?
The Trails Learning Community is a group of trail stewards from all over CT, with a wide variety of skills, specialties, and backgrounds, who gather to talk about trail and management topics of interest. The community is hosted by CT DEEP.
When is it?
The fourth Wednesday of every month at 2:00 pm.
Where is it?
Typically online, but sometimes a group in-person field trip is planned if there is interest.
Sign up here to get the meeting link and the monthly topics and reminders delivered to your email!

The opportunity to hear each other’s perspectives helps us grow, and it’s rewarding to help our colleagues and partners accomplish mutual goals, in order to provide (and enjoy) the best trail experiences possible.
Are you interested in providing input for scheduling and topic preferences?
Please take a very brief survey to help ensure that The Learning Community is best serving its members!
I’m interested. How do I sign up?
Use this sign-up link to enroll in our email list. Each month, you’ll receive the topic, the link to the virtual meeting room (or in-person meeting location), and a reminder so you can plan ahead.
I am already a member of the Trails Learning Community. Do I need to do anything to stay involved?
Even if you have joined in the past, we are starting a new system of communication for this group, so please sign up again using the green sign-up button above. Email addresses that have received updates in the past will not automatically be transferred to the new subscriber list. Thank you for your patience!
I have participated in the past, but I’m no longer interested in receiving updates. How do I remove myself from the email list?
If you have already used one of the sign-up links on this page and would like to unsubscribe to the emails, please use this unsubscribe link to stop receiving emails from the group. If you have never used one of the links above, no need to do anything! Your email won’t be transferred to the new subscriber list unless you have re-enrolled using the sign-up links on this page.
I have a question and/or a suggested discussion topic. Who do I contact?
Please contact trails@uconn.edu with any questions or comments! Thank you!