- announcements about meetings, seminars and conferences,
- raising questions and providing answers
- requesting and providing trail-related information
- job openings
The list is unmoderated which means that any message you send to the list will be sent to ALL subscribers exactly as you wrote it.
To Join
– Go to http://s.uconn.edu/TrailsL.
– On the right side of the page, click on the link titled “Subscribe or Unsubscribe” to open a form where you can supply information to join the Trails-L list. A regular subscription means that you will receive individual postings immediately. Digest means that you will receive a collection of posts at a specified time interval.
To Post a Message
Send an email from your e-mail program to: Trails-L@Listserv.uconn.edu.
To Unsubscribe
– Go to http://s.uconn.edu/TrailsL.
– On the right side of the page, click on the link titled “Subscribe or Unsubscribe.” This will open a form where you can supply information to remove yourself from Trails-L.
Questions or comments about Trails-L can be sent to Emily Wilson at emily.wilson@uconn.edu.